
Posts Tagged ‘San Juan Copala’

Yesterday, as today’s article in Noticias states, “with great dignity and head held high” the Triqui families from San Juan Copala pulled up stakes and moved to temporary housing in Colonia Reforma.  The 105 displaced families had been occupying the front of the Government Palace for several years, but reached an agreement with the state government to relocate.

Meanwhile, on the east side of the Government Palace, the band played on…  September is “La mes de la patria” (the month of the motherland).  Tomorrow night, governor Gabino Cue will repeat El Grito de Independencia (the Cry of Independence) from the balcony of the Government Palace and Monday, an hours-long patriotic parade will pass in front of the Palace.

Today, the scene has changed.  Members of the Frente Único de Lucha (FUL), the new incarnation of APPO, have taken up positions in front of the Government Palace and vowed to remain until those arrested in clashes with the federal police, on December 1 and yesterday in Mexico City, are released.  Hmmm… I wonder what will happen tomorrow and/or Monday.

Just remember, when you read, hear, or watch the news…  Chiapas, Guerrero, and Oaxaca are the most indigenous and poorest states in Mexico.  And now, the tears of Mother Nature are raining down on Oaxaca.

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And the juxtapositions continue; the annual nativity scene set up on the zócalo in Oaxaca across from the Government Palace and the ongoing occupation by the women of San Juan Copala, not to mention the ubiquitous banners of  Section 22 of the Teachers’ Union.

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Then there were the impossibly cute kids and a rapid request from them.  “Mas despacio, por favor,” sez I.  A slow motion reply followed, “To-ma nu-es-tra fo-to,” sez the older girl.  And, so I did!

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Banner - close-up of eyes, nose, and tears running down cheeks.The Marcha del Color de la Sangre (Caravan of the Color of Blood), by the Triqui of San Juan Copala and their supporters, mentioned in my May 23 post, was prevented from entering the village.

Banner:  Face of mother and son and slogan:  Autonomia, justicia, paz, dignidad; Municipio Autónomo de San juan Copala.According to Angry White Kid, a National and International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico has been called for June 3.

Banner in the style of a huipil with text:  Apoyo al planton de mujeres y niños desplazados de San Juan Copala.

These banners graced the portales of the Government Palace during the encampment.

Banner - Triqui woman with slogan: Justicia y paz con dignidad; Municipio Autónomo San Juan Copala

Beautiful and poignant, I could never pass by without pausing…

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Propping up fallen trees isn’t the only activity on the Alameda… 3 tents under the Indian Laurel trees on the Alameda

Today, Sección 22 del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (the teachers’ union) is beginning an occupation of Oaxaca’s zócalo, Alameda, and several side streets.2 tents under the portales of the Governor's Palace According to a report in the Latin American Herald Tribune, Teachers Call for Strike in Southern Mexican State, the teachers are not demanding wage increases, instead focusing on social issues, including “better uniform allowances for students, computers in all of the state’s elementary schools and electricity in all schools.”  Privatization is also an issue.Green banner with text reading:  ¡No a la privatización de la educación!

This annual activity by the teachers’ union is extremely contentious.  Adding bold-face to the lines above will be my only comment on the subject.

However, the teachers aren’t the only people converging on the zócalo today…Poster: Marcha del Color de la Sangre; 23 de Mayo; Zocalo de Oaxaca a la Ciudad de MexicoThe displaced Triqui, who were driven out of their village of San Juan Copala after several years of political violence, have decided to return home, leading a march/caravan from Oaxaca to Mexico City and finally back to San Juan Copala.Triqui women and baby await the arrival of the march/caravan For more information, see the blog posting by Angry White Kid, The displaced decide to return to our community: Caravan of the Color of Blood and for background on their struggle for autonomy, see Repression, Impunity and Resistance in Oaxaca: One Year After the Copala Caravan Ambush.

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