
Posts Tagged ‘huelga’

Lost in the hoopla re the Morelos movie filming… another strike by taxistas.

Apparently, the issue of unlicensed taxi drivers (see April 6 post), still hasn’t been resolved.  And so, on Wednesday, the streets surrounding the Government Palace were blocked by a rainbow of taxis, whose drivers are members of Integrantes de la Unión de Taxistas del Estado de Oaxaca (UTEO).

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On Thursday, the blockades were withdrawn as negotiations with the governor’s office resumed.  Hopefully, the issued will finally be resolved, as taxis play an indispensable role in transporting residents, workers, and tourists from here to there.

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I sure hope no one needs a taxi in el centro today.

Taxis double-parked on Indenpendencia

Double-parked on Independencia and lined up for blocks on side streets, empty taxis sit…

Taxis line up on side street

A protest against “pirate” taxis.

Fuera taxis piratas del centro

By the way, pink taxis, lavender taxis, and green taxis were lined up on other streets, which would have added more color to this entry.  But, alas, I violated the first rule of photography:  Always carry an extra battery!   I know, my feeble excuse of, I’d only gone out to buy velcro adhesive for my mosquito screen door project, is no excuse.

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